Privacy Statement

Limako Suiker B.V. appreciates your visit to our internet site. We want to make sure that you are aware of what happens with the personal details you submit to us the moment you subscribe to our digital magazine or our press release service or respond to a vacancy on the website.

Personal information that you submit to us, including your e-mail address, will only be used as follows:

  • Personal information that you submit in the context of a query, is solely used once to respond to your query.
  • Personal information that you submit in your response to a vacancy is handled in the same way as responses to vacancies received by regular mail and will not be stored longer than necessary.
  • We will also use the stored information for internal analyses of visits to our site to further optimize it.
  • We will not sell or share your personal information to or with third parties that are not a part of the Cosun group of companies.
  • Our website contains links to other Limako Suiker B.V. websites. Limako Suiker B.V. accepts no liability for the privacy rules that apply on those websites.
    Changes If Limako Suiker B.V. makes any changes to its policy regarding the privacy and information security you should be informed. We will announce these changes on this page. If we update this policy, we will draw your attention to this update through hyperlinks. This way, you will always be able to follow our policy regarding ‚information‘.